Prayer Resources
Adding structure to your prayers:
ACTS (adoration, confession, thanksgiving, supplication): Start with praise (adoration) to the Lord for who He is all He has done. Then confess sins and your need for Him. Following confession, begin thanking the Lord for His work in your life. Finally, close the prayer with your requests (supplication).
PRAY (praise, repent, ask, yield): Start with praise to the Lord for who He is all He has done. Then repent of your sins by confessing them and acknowledging your need for Him. Following repent, present your requests to the Lord (ask). Finally, close with a posture of humbleness and willingness for God to work in and through your life (yield). There is an app, Lectio365, that uses this pattern.
Using a prayer guide:
There are several prayer books and guides that have printed prayers in them. Printed prayers can give language to our prayers that is helpful and thoughtful.
Every Moment Holy (especially volume 1) by Douglas Kaine McKelvey
Valley of Vision edited by Arthur Bennett
Piercing Heaven edited by Robert Elmer
Books referenced during our series on prayer:
Praying with Paul: A Call to Spiritual Reformation by D.A. Carson
Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy by Mark Vroegop
You Are Not Your Own by Alan Noble
Disruptive Witness by Alan Noble
Spiritual Disciplines of the Christian Life by Donald Whitney
The Knowledge of the Holy by A.W. Tozer